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  • UST - WD TX Training - Monthly Operating Reports

UST - WD TX Training - Monthly Operating Reports

  • 4 Jun 2021
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • https://zoom.us/j/98016777016?pwd=V2xiRWMrL21odU1DOWRYRDRQM0xLQT09

United States Trustee Training, June 4, 2021, 1:00-2:00 PM (CST)


New Monthly Operating Reports and Post-Confirmation Reports for

Non-Small Business Chapter 11 Cases


    On June 21, 2021, the United States Trustee Program’s final rule in the Federal Register entitled “Procedures for Completing Uniform Periodic Reports in Non-Small Business Cases Filed Under Chapter 11 of Title 11” will become effective.  The rule establishes new uniform pre-confirmation monthly operating reports (MORs) and quarterly post-confirmation reports (PCRs) for all chapter 11 debtors except those who are small businesses or who elect relief under subchapter V of chapter 11.  These new forms will be mandatory for report filings on or after June 21, 2021.  Until June 21, 2021, debtors should continue using the monthly operating report forms found on the United States Trustee website for Region 7.

    Information about the new reports is posted at https://www.justice.gov/ust/chapter-11-operating-reports.

    The Western District of Texas offices of the United States Trustee Program will be offering interested parties training on the new forms via Zoom videoconference on June 4, 2021 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm (CST), with Zoom hosting provided by the San Antonio Bankruptcy Bar Association.  A link for the Zoom training meeting is below.  Capacity for the Zoom meeting is limited but anticipated to be sufficient.  If you attempt to join the Zoom meeting and cannot do so, please contact Richard.H.Drew@usdoj.gov.


Topic: UST Training - New MORs

Time: Jun 4, 2021 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)


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